The John King Brain Tumour Foundation charity works with a simple vision: to improve outcomes for adult and paediatric patients with brain diseases and disorders. Our mission is to make a tangible difference by fundraising to encourage advanced treatments and create healing hospital gardens which offer the opportunity to have a restful space for critical care patients, carers and loved ones who are all recovering from the impact of extremely difficult and traumatic circumstances.
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Inspirational Stories
Our Recent Fundraising Success
McKissock Garden – A Forest in the Sky
Creating the John King Brain Tumour Foundation Hospital Garden
Creating the John King Brain Tumour Foundation Hospital Garden - The roof garden outside McKissock Ward at Atkinson Morley Wing has been an invaluable space for not only neurosurgical patients, families, and visitors but staff too and became a peaceful haven for the staff during the COVID 19 pandemic where [...]
McKissock Garden Reinstallment
McKissock Garden Reinstallment - The John King Brain Tumour Foundation, RHS Hampton Court Show Garden is now recycled to the McKissock Ward roof garden at the Atkinson Morley Wing at St. George’s Hospital. The Team at Garden Club London and our charity patron Richard Sullivan have done an incredible job of [...]